Fantom Libraries
BedSheet - A Web Application Platform
BedSheet provides a rich middleware mechanism for the routing and delivery of content over HTTP.
BedSheet is an IoC container and runs on Fantom's Wisp Web Server.
Sleep Safe - Guard against CSFR, XSS, and other web attacks
Unobtrusively guards your BedSheet web app against CSFR, XSS, and other attacks, letting you Sleep Safe at night!
WebSockets - HTML5 WebSockets
A pure Fantom implementation of the W3C WebSocket API for use by clients and servers.
Web Libraries - Extra
Atom - Create Atom (RSS) Feed Documents
An implementation of the Atom Syndication Format. Use to create RSS feeds for your Bed Apps.
Google Analytics - A Google Analytics efanXtra Component
A simple efanXtra component for rendering Google's Universal Analytics script.
HTML Parser - Parse HTML5 documents into XML
Html Parser because only Chuck Norris can parse HTML with regular expressions!
BedSheet Moustache - Use Moustache Templates in Bed Apps
Provides an IoC cache for compiled Moustache templates and detailed compilation errors.
BedSheet Draft - Integrate Draft Routing in Bed Apps
Integrates the Routing and Flash components from the Draft framework.