An Introduction to the F4 IDE - 21st May 2020
A guided walk through of the Fantom F4 IDE
Helpful articles on Fantom and all things programming.
A list of all articles, listed in chronological order of when they were last updated.
A guided walk through of the Fantom F4 IDE
Article 2 of BedSheet - the Evolution of Wisp - A tutorial on how to create a mini web application with Alien-Factory's BedSheet; covering page routing, form posting, and file uploads.
A journey into installing Linux via a networked PXE, a lot of Google foo, and even more patience...
A look the javascript Redux library and how to implement it in Fantom
A fully worked authentication conversation with MongoDB for SCRAM-SHA-1 over SASL
A fully worked authentication conversation with SkySpark v3 for SCRAM (SHA-256) over SASL
A look HTTP Session data, why you should store it in a database, and how to store it in MongoDB with Fantom
An explanation and live demo of debouncing and throttling event handlers in Fantom (Javascript only).
An exclusive interview with Jason Holt - the Fanny the Fantom World Champion and the first person ever to "Escape the Mainframe"!
Fanny the Fantom has been captured by the evil Mainframe. Help Fanny escape dodgy programming by avoiding obstacles and collecting bonus cubes!
How to fly the Parrot AR Drone Quadcopter with the Fantom Programming Language
An introduction to autonomously flying and flipping the AR Drone with the Parrot SDK
How to create a BedSheet Extension for SkySpark 3.0
How to perform secure 2-way password encryption in Fantom with AES
In surprising news, the Fantom programming language out performed Java by a factor of more than 2 to 1, and left Kotlin standing!
Article 1 of BedSheet - the Evolution of Wisp - A tutorial on how to create a mini web application with Fantom's Wisp; covering page routing, form posting, and file uploads.
2 Articles - A look at how BedSheet evolves the functionality of the Wisp web server by comparing 2 mini web applications.
A look at some differences between Fantom and Java, showing why Fantom is a real viable alternative.
How to configure Fantom's BedSheet web server to deliver web fonts with the correct MIME type in a live Heroku environment.
Article 2 of Web App Tutorial - How to create and run the Bed Nap Tutorial in the F4 IDE
Article 8 of Web App Tutorial - How to use Pillow to automatically route request URLs to your efanXtra components.
Article 7 of Web App Tutorial - How to convert efan templates into efanXtra components, deleting boilerplate code along the way.
Article 6 of Web App Tutorial - How to use efan templates to generate HTML markup for the Bed Nap Web Application.
Article 5 of Web App Tutorial - How to test the Bed Nap Web Application with the dedicated Bounce library.
Article 4 of Web App Tutorial - We add a view page to the Bed Nap app and look at how request URL information is converted into meaningful objects.
Article 3 of Web App Tutorial - Create dynamic web content by generating pages with content delivered from an IoC service.
Article 1 of Web App Tutorial - For those new to Fantom BedSheet, this article explains how to create a simple web application with just 3 small text files.
How to setup Basic HTTP Authentication with Fantom's BedSheet web server, complete with examples on how to protect a single file, a whole directory or an entire application!
How to add a create a Bootstrap 3 themed skin for FormBean inputs
A slideshow showing syntactical similarities and disparities between Fantom and C#.
A slideshow showing syntactical similarities and disparities between Fantom and Java.
How to write a Fantom Web Server in just 7 lines of code!
How to add a javascript datepicker to Date fields in a FormBean
If F4 won't start, try deleting all .SNAP files from the .metadata directory in the workspace.
A 5 minute lightning talk on the Fantom programming language, as presented to the LSCC.
Fantom is a JVM Language that also compiles to Javascript; this article looks at just how easy it is to run Fantom code in your browser.
How to auto-detect and configure HTTP proxy settings using proxy-vole in Butter middleware.
How to use the 'AppBuilder' script to create a minimal Fantom installation that runs your application.
A look at Fantom's FWT, Eclipse's SWT and how to install it on 64-bit platforms.
A brief explanation of the Fancordion testing library and why I'm loving it!
How to use Bootstrap 3 in a BedSheet web application using the Duvet library.
A simple Fantom client that retrieves Chuck Norris jokes from the Internet Chuck Norris Database.
7 Articles - A guide for beginners wanting to learn the fundamentals of the Fantom Programming Language.
8 Articles - A tutorial on how to use the full suite of Alien-Factory web technologies to create a performant web application.
Article 2 of Fantom For Beginners - An in-depth look at the 'Hello World' program in the Fantom programming language and the different ways to execute it as a script.
Article 1 of Fantom For Beginners - A step by step tutorial on how to install the Fantom progamming language on Windows.
A first glimpse at Fancordion - a new Fantom library that transforms boring unit tests into beautiful specification documents!
Examples showing how Fantom const classes can pass mutable state between threads using Unsafe objects, AtomicRefs and Actors.
We all know the Fantom language is Faster than Java, but what makes this news official?
Alien-Factory's Inversion of Control library, IoC, overtakes Camembert IDE to become the most downloaded Fantom pod on the Status302 Repository.
A strategy on how to use Mercurial and Git on the same project so it may be deployed to the Heroku could platform.
The Fantom-Factory website now has an Atom (RSS) feed. Subscribe today!
A close look at the main changes in this latest Fantom BedSheet release.
2 Articles - Links to articles that explain IoC services; how to write, define, and use them.
A brief look at the new Fantom web technologies used to re-write the Alien-Factory web site.
The Fantom IoC Env library determines whether your app is running in a dev, test or prod environment, this article takes a close look at how to use, configure and override it.
The :first-child selector in CSS does not always select what you think it does. This article examines how it works.
Article 2 of IoC Tutorial - Describes the different ways dependencies may be injected into IoC services; it-block injection, ctor injection, field injection or mixed.
Article 1 of IoC Tutorial - Describes the 2 ways to define and build IoC Services in a typical AppModule; using the defineServices() method or via a custom builder method.
A detailed look a const classes in Fantom, a comparison with Java, and how to set their field values.
Article 5 of Fantom For Beginners - An explanation on how to share and distribute Fantom applications.
Article 6 of Fantom For Beginners - An article that inspects the contents of a real world Fantom library (pod) to see what it contains.
Article 4 of Fantom For Beginners - Tutorial on how to create and run a basic Fantom application.
Article 7 of Fantom For Beginners - Explains how a typical Fantom build script works by inspecting the one used by BedSheet web framework.
Article 3 of Fantom For Beginners - Tutorial that describes the directory structure and files needed to create a basic Fantom application.
A list of popular articles on Alien-Factory.
In surprising news, the Fantom programming language out performed Java by a factor of more than 2 to 1, and left Kotlin standing!
A look at some differences between Fantom and Java, showing why Fantom is a real viable alternative.
7 Articles - A guide for beginners wanting to learn the fundamentals of the Fantom Programming Language.
A simple Fantom client that retrieves Chuck Norris jokes from the Internet Chuck Norris Database.
A guided walk through of the Fantom F4 IDE
A slideshow showing syntactical similarities and disparities between Fantom and Java.
A slideshow showing syntactical similarities and disparities between Fantom and C#.
How to add a javascript datepicker to Date fields in a FormBean
A brief explanation of the Fancordion testing library and why I'm loving it!